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My Portfolio Page @Yuuki

Trace of effort

High School

In high school, I began to learn from assembly language, and I learned C, C ++, and Java languages.

Shopping Site

Download this project as a .zip file

I made a shopping site as one of the lesson subjects. Here, we will fix the code and publish the data uploaded to the rental server.

From here if you want to login.

Shopping Site Image

C language Program

Tower of Hanoi

Download this project as a .zip file What is the tower of Hanoi?

Tower of Hanoi Image

Please specify the number on the command line.

void Hanoi(int n, char from, char work, char to)
  if (n > 0) {
    Hanoi(n-1, from, to, work);
    // Output from → to
    Hanoi(n-1, work, from, to);

Here is the function I implemented. From the Tower of Hanoi, I learned many things such as basic syntax, sorting, arrays, string operations, search methods, recursion, file operations, links, and more.

Android Java Program

Challenged to color identification by Android camera. Download this project as a .zip file The installation procedure is as follows.

  1. Take a picture
  2. Import an image as a bitmap
  3. Get RGB value of specified range
  4. Identify the color from the ratio of Red, Green and Blue

Download this project as a .zip file If you save, load, or acquire RGB values while the camera is in use, it may freeze. Therefore, it is not possible to press the shutter until a series of processing is completed.

I created a target hitting game using this. Point the camera to a target image, release the shutter, and points will be added.

Group programming

Comming Sonn…
